Tracking the American Economy


At Sightlines Bulletin we:

Provide businesspeople and long-term investors with concise data-driven monthly analyses of the direction of the American economy so they can successfully formulate their business plans and fine-tune their resource allocations;

Use unique indicators that have proven successful at flagging turns in the economy to provide early warnings of shifts in the economic outlook;

Test and debunk commonly held misperceptions about current conditions, often employing the histories of crucial economic indicators we have compiled over the years, some back to the 1800s.

Sightlines Bulletin is published mid-month when the prior month’s important data points have been released. Each issue includes the results of our monthly surveys of state-level withheld and sales tax receipts (see Reference for more detail), our breakdown of important labor market and domestic consumption developments, a rundown of trends in fuel/electric usage and what they mean for coming months, comments on the direction of interest rates, and a two-page summary of important economic indicators, all in historical perspective.

For Sightlines Bulletin, we have developed proprietary data series based on monthly surveys of state revenue agencies and state fuel/ energy sales reports. These series provide the basis for the analysis of economic turning points and growth trends using diffusion indices, historical trend correlations, and forecasts. Analysis is done for the nation, regions, and states. In addition to guiding business planners and investors, including those who manage municipal debt portfolios, we believe the detail offered by these data series will help our clients create new jobs and better understand the advantages of returning jobs to the United States.

Additionally, each month we highlight a data series we follow, for example the Quit Rate or the Insured Unemployment Rate, so our readers become more fluent with our ongoing analysis and with the often ignored but rich data sources that offer our subscribers an edge over their competition.

Finally, we issue Special Bulletins as necessary to alert our subscribers to one-off developments like changes and biases in data collection methods, and other subtle but important signals missed by the mainstream media likely to affect employment, consumption, and interest rates.

Philippa and Doug have collected and analyzed state-level tax receipts since the early mid-1990s, and are widely respected for their ability to parse out the importance of trends in those revenue flows. Mike was, for many years, a state revenue contact in this work. His expertise in successfully developing off-beat indicators, like diesel fuel usage, spurred the development of Sightlines Bulletin.

We came together to provide a monthly forward-looking summary of current economic conditions, supported by our proprietary data, to fill a void in what is currently available to the business world. Financial professionals have long relied on the insights of The Liscio Report, a newsletter specifically tailored for traders. Sightlines Bulletin presents a broader perspective, based on these same insights and our combined experience, for decision-makers with a longer time frame.


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